Scientific Preliminary Program

Main Topics

  • Acute pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Interventional management of pain
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Pain and immunology
  • Pain in palliative care
  • Pharmacological management of pain
  • Rheumatologic pain
  • Side effects of pain management
  • Ultrasound support in interventional pain management


June 13, 2024:

17:00-20:30 – Opening Ceremony

Chairperson: Anthony Dickenson, Giustino Varrassi

17:00-17:30 – Welcome speeches

17:30-18:15  – Plenary lectures

  Chairperson: Giustino Varrassi

  John J Bonica Lecture – Narinder Rawal

18:15-19:00 – Awards to the 3 best abstracts on Interventional Pain Management (Ischia Prize)

19:00-20:30 – Visit to the Exhibition Area

June 14, 2024:

9:00-11:00Sponsored session

9:00-11:00The Many Faces of Pain

Chairperson: Giustino Varrassi

9:00-9:10 – Understanding the different forms of pain – Giustino Varrassi

9:10-9:25 – Emergency pain best practices: treatment in critical moments – Imad Khojah

9:25-9:40 – Insights into 1-day surgery pain management – Magdalena Kocot-Kępska

9:40-9:55 – Navigating the labyrinth of low back pain: What’s new? – Magdi Hanna

9:55-10:10 – Managing patient cases through practical protocols – Antonio Montero

10:10-10:25 – Unravelling the real faces of pain: new findings from Real World Evidences – Passakorn Sawaddiruk (Online presentation)

10:25-11:00 – Q/A

11:00-12:45The changing landscape of migraine

Chairpersons: Caterina Pace, Cristina Tassorelli

11:00-11:30 – Acute attack treatment – Pierangelo Geppetti 

11:30-12:00 – Migraine prevention – Gianluca Coppola

12:00-12:30 – Refractory migraine – Simona Sacco

12:30-12:45 – Q/A

12:45-14:00 – Lunch

14:00-15:00Sponsored session

14:00-15:00 – Effective management of headache and migraine

Chairperson: Giustino Varrassi

14:00-14:20 – What anyone should know about headache and migraine – Simona Sacco

14:20-14:40 – Role of ibuprofen treatment for headache and migraine – Pierangelo Geppetti 

14:40-15:00 – Q/A

15:00-18:00 – Chronic Pain and Quality of Life

15:00-16:30 – Fibromyalgia and quality of life

Chairperson: Piercarlo Sarzi Puttini

15:00-15:20 – Clinical aspects of fibromyalgia – Stefano Coaccioli

15:20-15:40 – Use of PEA and LAC in fibromyalgia syndrome – Diego Fornasari

15:40-16:00 – Cannabinoids in the management of fibromyalgia – Piercarlo Sarzi Puttini

16:00-16:20 – Multidisciplinary approach to fibromyalgia patients – Valeria Giorgi

16:20-16:30 – Q/A

16:30-18:00 – Chronic pain and sexual life

Chairperson: Caterina Aurilio

17:00-17:20 – Pain in sexual life – Andrea Sansone

17:20-17:40 – Sexual life in pain patients – Tommaso Jannini

17:40-18:00 – Q/A

June 15, 2024:

08:00-13:00 – Scientific sessions

08:00-09:30 – Education in Pain Medicine

Chairpersons: Frank Breve, Enrico Polati

08:00-08:20 – The IASP-SouthEast Asian Camp – Say Yang Ong

08:20-08:40 – The LatAm models – Marco Narvaez

08:40-09:00 – The North American models – Christofer Gharibo

09:00-09:20 – The European models – Victor Mayoral

09:20-09:30 – Q/A

09:30-10:30 – Effects of neuromodulation

Chairpersons: Gianni Colini Baldeschi, Filomena Puntillo

09:30-09:50 – Analgesic mechanisms of central neuromodulation – Mariateresa Giglio

09:50-10:10 – Predictive efficacy parameters of SCS in vascular diseases and diabetic neuropathy – Ezio Amorizzo

10:10-10:30 – Closed loop SCS – Pasquale De Negri

10:30-10:45 – Q/A

10:45-11:40 – Future in Pain Medicine

Chairpersons: Athina Vadalouca, Ioanna Siafaka

10:45-11:05 – Chronic pain management in the era of artificial intelligence – Fabian Piedimonte

11:05-11:25 – The value of medical apps and chatGPT for pain management – Thomas Tölle

11:25-11:40 – Q/A

11.40-13.30 – E-posters presentation


13.30 – Closing remarks and award ceremony to best poster presentation


Room Foscolo

June 14, 2024:

11:00-13:00 – “Meet-the-Expert”

Chairpersons: Gabriele Finco, Narinder Rawal 

11:00-11:30 Immunology and pain – Stefano Coaccioli

11:30-12:00 Residual pain in rheumatology – Piercarlo Sarzi Puttini

12:00-12:30 Stem cells as an option in the treatment of low back pain – Stefano Meloncelli

12:30-13:00 Direct optic view for annular tear repair using marrow derived stem cells – Robert Rapcan

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-18:00 – “Meet-the-Expert”

Chairpersons: Marco Mercieri, Felice Occhigrossi

14:00-14:30 Brain and Pain – Panagiotis Zis

14:30-15:00 Diagnostic tools in nociplastic pain patients – Victor Mayoral

15:00-15:30 Painful restless legs syndrome – Samson Khachatryan

15:30-16:00 Inclusiveness and diversity in pain management – Eleni Moka

16:00-16:30 Management of chronic pelvic pain – Martina Rekatsina

16:30-17:00 The dilemma of cannabinoids between enthusiasm and frustration – Thomas Tölle

17:00-17:30 Use of PEA in multimodal analgesia for chronic pain patients – Giustino Varrassi

17:30-18:00 Pain in older adults: Lessons and challenges – Say Yang Ong

June 15, 2024:

08:30-12:00 – “Meet-the-Expert”

Chairperson: Filomena Puntillo

08:30-09:00 Emotional screening in opioid use disorders – Alena Javurkova

09:00-09:30 Virtual reality and pain management – Jaroslava Raudenska

09.30-10.00 Understanding nociplastic pain: the role of clinical psychology – Federica Galli

10:00-10:30 Ultrasound in pain medicine is not only science but also art – Tolga Ergonenc

10:30-11:00 Ultrasound support in musculoskeletal pain – Abdallah Allam

11:00-11:30 Physiatric support in musculoskeletal pain – Giacomo Farì

  1. Amorizzo, Ezio
  2. Aurilio, Caterina
  3. Breve, Frank
  4. Coaccioli, Stefano
  5. Colini Baldeschi, Gianni
  6. Coppola, Gianluca
  7. De Negri, Pasquale
  8. Dickenson, Anthony
  9. Ergönenç, Tolga
  10. Farì, Giacomo
  11. Finco, Gabriele
  12. Fornasari, Diego
  13. Galli, Federica
  14. Geppetti, Pierangelo
  15. Gharibo, Christopher
  16. Giglio, Mariateresa
  17. Giorgi, Valeria
  18. Hanna, Magdi
  19. Khojah, Imad
  20. Jannini, Tommaso
  21. Javůrkova, Alena
  22. Khachatryan, Samson
  23. Kocot-Kępska, Magdalena
  24. Mayoral Rojals, Victor
  25. Meloncelli, Stefano
  26. Mercieri, Marco
  27. Moka, Eleni
  28. Montero Matamala, Antonio
  29. Narvaez Tamayo, Marco
  30. Occhigrossi, Felice
  31. Ong, Say Yang
  32. Pace, Caterina
  33. Paladini, Antonella
  34. Piedimonte, Fabian
  35. Polati, Enrico
  36. Puntillo, Filomena
  37. Rapcan, Robert
  38. Raudenska, Jaroslava
  39. Rawal, Narinder
  40. Rekatsina, Martina
  41. Rinaldi, Riccardo
  42. Sacco, Simona
  43. Sansone, Andrea
  44. Sawaddiruk, Passakorn
  45. Sarzi Puttini, Piercarlo
  46. Tassorelli, Cristina
  47. Tölle, Thomas
  48. Vadalouca, Athina
  49. Varrassi, Giustino
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